Adam Lawrence
@LawDawgLawrence · 0:57

In your opinion…

Good morning, swell individuals. Hope you're doing well. Go forth. Do great things for your mind, your body and your American spirit. Question of the day what is one skill that you believe that that your children, your brothers, your sisters, your neighborhood, the next generation should have? And how do you find it? Repeat. What is one skill that people should have, in your opinion, and how do they find it? You've got this. Go forth. Thank you
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:46

#gardening #farminf #debatethis #mindset #ask

And the rest of it, as it trickles on down, we get really low quality, which then goes into effect our health and quality of life all around. So I think single handedly, not to draw too large of a conclusion, but if everyone learned how to successfully grow their own food, then I think we would see a lot more healthy people and we would see a lot more people not needing to be on medication. And we would essentially see big pharma and big farms alike start to crumble
