Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 0:52


Maybe it's where you feel stuck, where you're getting the same results. How are you seeing the world? And can you expand your vision? Be creative. What you focus on determines what you miss. Is my favorite quote by Suzanne Stabile what are you focusing on and what you missing because of that?

Change leadership perception goals transformation

Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 1:13

#climateinfluence #perception #negativespace

Lori this so reminds me of this idea of looking at the negative space or the white space and this idea in my own Climate influence work of talking about thinking more counterintuitively. If the kind of communications you're doing or the content you're putting out or the conferences where you're speaking or whatever, ten to be very similar year upon year, time after time, what's stopping you from stepping back and looking at the white space, the negative space, the counterintuitive view on that?
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:29

@lauriemcginley @Andrea_Climate

I particularly like how you both see opportunity in this, because when we get stuck in our way of seeing things based on our own limitations, it's trouble, because we don't have that expansion that's supposed to happen when you look out into the world as opposed to back at yourself. I remember when I was very young and I heard a nice NIN quote about how we see the world the way we are, not the way it is. I'm paraphrasing
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 0:40


And even though it feels counterintuitive and we usually use that as a word to say, don't do that, there's real value in shifting your perspective, because what you focus on determines what you miss. And if what's intuitive you feels like all you can choose, what are you missing? And Andrea, that's what you're so good at seeing
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 1:21


There's a real human condition, discomfort in choosing to step out of that. And we don't do it on our own. Kind of like if you're doing a virtual workout at home and they want you to do twelve repetitions of some exercise and you get to six and they're like, this is good enough. But if you were in a gym with a coach and maybe other people, you'd work to do all twelve. We absolutely need each other
