Talia Rodriguez JD
@Latinaherstory · 1:06

She said she wants to be like me

Literally, in, like, 30 seconds, this girl hit me back and was like, yo, my five year old just saw your video and she says she loves it and she wants to be like you when she grows up. My heart just sank. Honestly, so many of us feel like we're not heard or we're not seen, and there's such vulnerable, amazing people around us who are looking for inspiration and sometimes stronger than us that are looking for inspiration

#latina #content #creator

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:13
I'm so happy that you got that just beautiful, authentic, unique reminder from a little girl saying she wanted to be disliked when she's older. That's freaking beautiful, but an awesome thing to hear. Happy for you
