LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 5:00

Friends, or not?

But throughout my entire twenty s, I was always on the search, maybe even my 30s on the search for friends, close friends, friends that I could travel with, friends that I world have to hang out with, go out for drinks with. But as I got older, I came to the realization that a lot of people don't even know what a friend is and how to be a friend

#friends #enemies #positivity

Darren Black
@Sir-Real · 5:00


I'm not very quick to call people my friend just because we hang out a few times, just because they do a few things for me or vice versa. I've been a loner for a long time, so it's always been difficult for me to even really concern myself with friends. But honestly, as of lately, it's interesting that you bring that up. I think everyone wants to have that friendship
Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 3:00
Ultimately in these past few years, but especially in these past few months, I've really been able to see who my friends are and who are fake friends. And I wish I had more true blue friends, more die hard friends, more ride or die friends, but have about two that I know for a fact or write or die. That's all that matters. You only need one and you can work towards meeting more who pass the test, who stand the test of time
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 3:38


Hello and thank you for responding to my post. You're absolutely right. You know, you're not out there searching for friendship because we honestly, as adults can spark up conversations with pretty much anyone. But when it comes to finding a friend and finding value and worth in a friend, there are certain things that you want. Like you said, we all want that person that's going to be there to talk to, but I guess what you're saying makes a lot of sense
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 4:23


And you're somebody that I want to be around. I'm very particular about who I choose to want to be around, especially if you're not doing the things that I deem as positive in life. I don't want to be around you because we have nothing to really discuss. And we really will not connect on a certain level because we're at two different places in our lives where I'm trying to elevate
Darren Black
@Sir-Real · 4:56


I guess, well, people have the different definition of what's fun, so I guess that's understandable. But either way, yes, I agree. Finding friends at a certain age is more about finding someone that can match what you're looking for instead of just going. Somebody you can just hang out with. So, again, thank you for replying to mine as well
LaRita Ferguson
@LaritaMotivates · 1:31


So with all those things, I always keep a lot of those thoughts and things in mind when it comes to people. But like, I know this is a world where it's full of people and this is a great platform to connect with people that will truly understand and maybe can relate to some of the things that you speak on. Keep in touch
