Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:19

What if GOD had an Attitude?

What if God had an attitude? What if God got up in the morning and had an attitude? Or in the evening or in the midday? What if he had an attitude like you? What if he just said, you know what? Forget it. I'm not blessing nobody today. I'm not healing nobody today. I'm not taking care of nobody's problems today. I'm not watching over nobody today. I'm not going to intercede for nobody today because I got an attitude

#WhatIfGodHadAnAttitude #PeaceBeyondYou #DoAllThingsWithoutGrumbling #Ephesians423 #Philippians489 #CheckYourAttitude #LoveIsTheWay #LadyFi

Nya Story
@NyaStory · 4:26
You know, God's mad at somebody, and we'll be like, oh, we got mad. You know, that's one of them superstitions or, you know, just things that we believed in, you know? But as we know, God is a God of peace and joy and happiness and given, you know, he just wants us to love on somebody and love on each other and love ourselves enough to
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:19


Isn't it good when we get that information from our grandparents? Information we can carry into our life and it just works for us? I love the fact that your grandma said that. And you know what? If God had attitude, we show enough, be in trouble, wouldn't we? So I'm glad you listened. Thank you so much
