Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:30

Hope…I Hope…

Each one of those hopes that I'm hoping for is founded mostly in love. So what I hopei hope today is that you had a good day. I hope that tomorrow is an equally good day. I hope that when you think of a friend, you call them right away. I hope that life to you becomes very kind. I hope that God gives you a new frame of mind. I hope that when you hear this swell that you're okay. Because hope is contagious

#sdp24Mar20 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Ferris Moore
@FeMotivationz · 2:04
I pray that God gives you the strength to for the strength and the wisdom to forgive yourself and be able to move forward, because God is going to use those very things to take you to the next level in your destined place. So, listen, I hope and speak life over those things for you. All right? In the meantime, be encouraged. Spread love, not war. And know that I'm praying for you. I'm in your corner. All right, thank you so much
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:08


I serve a big God. This is so small to God, it's so manly to God, just a man problem, not a God problem. So I'm grateful that you said that we need to continue to have hope and not doubt the Lord God. You're right. And I'm glad that the Lord God let me hear this because I needed to hear it. I needed to hear it more than ever today
Ferris Moore
@FeMotivationz · 0:41


And according to Proverbs three, five, and six, trust in the Lord with all your heart and down to your own understanding in all your ways. Acknowledge him, and he will direct your path. If you follow that scripture. Proverbs three, verses five through six, I promise you, like before you know it, you'll be moved and settled. So I touch and agree with you on that. In Jesus name
Kelly Jadon
@KellyJadon · 2:46

#hope #power #Jesus

Hi, Evelyn. I like the idea of talking about hope. It seems that we live in a very hopeless type of society. The culture around us is becoming more and more hopeless. What's amazing is that I see believers falling prey to hopelessness. They don't even understand. The power within them is greater than the power out and about them, it's very interesting
Matthew Phillips
@Talk77 · 4:22

You’re talking about hope

And we took that to mean that either you have the opportunity to believe and achieve whatever you want, or you can sit back with one thumb stuck up your nose and the other one stuck up your ass, always crying, woe is me. Okay? And that's the society that we find ourselves in. There are very few people, if any, who have hope. And I have to say that it's because a lot of people have gone away from God
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:52


I thoroughly enjoyed your story, your actual live in your life story. And let me tell you, there is so much power. The blood still works, okay. The blood of Jesus still works. And I have these neighbors that really are terrible, and I'm going to do that because everybody that moves into the apartment next to me either is is violated in some way or they die
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:02


It. I agree. People need to have hope. You can either sit in despair and do nothing or you can try to get up, have some faith and try to do something. I was just telling my husband last night, I said, you know what? Faith without works is dead. So we're going to have to have faith and we're going to have to work to make sure that we can get this part of the plan taken care of
