Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:42

#askswell | What was your DREAM JOB as a kid?

You. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, and then I wanted to be a surgeon. I wanted to be a surgeon because my dad took me to the hospital that was nearest us, and they had this, like, internship program where little kids like myself could walk around with a doctor, you know, for a day. And then it turned out to be a couple of weeks, actually, so we would walk around with them and learn what they did

#kiddreamjobs #societyandculture #jobs #professions

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:14


So what I do here also, I have some videos on Facebook. I didn't link my Facebook to Swell, but I have some videos on Facebook that are kind know, motivational, spiritual type videos. What's ironic is, so my youngest daughter, she is so much like me. It's very scary. Like, she looks like me
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:29


Hello. I love this question. Can't wait to listen to the thread. I want to be an oceanographer. I want to plumb the depths of the ocean to see new life forms. I didn't do that, but I like to plumb the depth of your mind instead. But, yeah, that was my thing. That was my big thing when I was young. I wanted to do that. I love the ocean. I still do
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:36


You did want to explore the depths of the sea, but now you explore the depths of people's voices and their minds. So I love it. Thank you so much. Bye
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:35


Thank you so much, Ms. Andrea, for responding to this Swell. You know, I can truly see you as a motivational speaker. You're a wonderful orator. And as a kid, God was shining through just then on you, letting you know what you needed to do in order to help people. You know, a lot of people are shy. They don't want to talk
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:14
Hey, Evelyn. Good question. So the only thing I ever wanted to be well, no, I'll take that back, was a teacher, right? So the only career, only job I ever wanted to have was a teacher. Right. However, I even as a little girl, I used to stand on my family's front porch. And we had our yard was a hill, and then we had like maybe seven steps to get to our front door
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:02


You. Wow. Like, seriously, wow. Like, you're better a better orator oh, my goodness. So many people that can get on stage and do that. I mean, I remember doing plays as a child, and I was very good. And I know that being in the drama club was one thing that I enjoyed, but you blew me out the water with that. You'd sing, like, on the stage
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:15


Hey, thank you for responding to my swell. Yes, I agree. Performance arts and art period is wonderful. I come from a family of singers. All we do is sing. Like, I came out the womb singing. So I love to sing and I love to sing in front of people, especially to make them happy. I sing in front of my husband and he thinks I have a lovely voice. I thank God for the voice that he gave me. But I love performing arts
Nidhi Hegde
@Nidhi29 · 0:23
Hello. What a fun question. So as a primary or elementary school kid, I wanted to be an archaeologist. I remember having an amazing chapter in social studies that made me fall in love with all things archaeology. I'd also seen these fascinating movies as a kid indiana Jones and The Mummy. And I so wanted to be like the main leads
@homosanity · 2:58
What else was I going to say? There was something else. I just find writing very therapeutic also, and it can be very powerful. I know a lot of people don't have the patience for writing or really the patience for reading anymore. It's got to be video, which is a shame, but I love it and if I could, I would be director or something, or I also would like to do I tried starting a ghost writing business
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:32


You. Thank you for replying to this swell archaeology. Now, you know, we need more archaeologists in this world, people that have the type of patience to be able to unearth things that were lost and need to be shown again. I used to love archaeology as well, but I didn't think that I'd be able to be out there in the hot sun or whatever and unearth things. But wow, that is a wonderful profession to want to be
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:57


Thank you so much for replying to this. Well, I, too, write. I wrote a book. And you're absolutely correct. It is very hard to market it being on various sites and Apple and Google and all those other sites that you are in. I mean, even in Walmart and Pardes and Noble. But it is hard if you self publish, and I did self publish, so I do understand
Mitchell McKay
@ThePhantom · 3:10
And I actually wanted to start my own animation. Hints to hoodie a ho for her people on the spectrum but would also include people with other disabilities like dyslexia and even the hoes who are neurotypical. But since 2016 I have developed a special interest in current events and political and social issues and just the world around us. I was tied between a screenwriter or journalist. Well filmmaker and journalist. Filmmaker was supposed to be a lahake that big job
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:01
I know that freaks everybody else out, but for me, it was exciting, the idea of being in front of people, being the center of attention, all eyes on me, seeing myself in magazines and I don't know, that stuff really hyped me up so much
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:10


Thank you for model, huh? I mean, you could be a model. Like I told you, you got perfect skin, and I'm sure you could have done that. And then a lot of times, models do become rock stars and all of that, because look at Gwen Stefani. I don't know if she ever modeled, but she is gorgeous, Jess, so she could have easily been a model
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 3:44
And she literally put in her chart notes, like, this is what I will be addressed by. And she was just so loving, and so that's probably why I wanted to become a pediatrician. But I am not a pediatrician. I learned very early that that was not going to work for me. Number one, I suck at math. I don't really like science much
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:36


So my advice to you, if you want to take it, is that you go ahead and go back to school or stay in school and get your law degree, because I'm sure you will make an excellent lawyer. Thank you so much for responding today. Bye
