Amanda Grace
@Labyrinth · 1:50

After the Affair

I was already married. But suddenly there you were, the man of my dreams, making me feel things I thought were exclusive to my fantasies. How much should I cling to tradition half heartedly following religion, allowing myself to be a martyr for the facade of peace and main taining my place in the family? Is it selfish to want to feel seen and fully loved and accepted in a language I know and understand rather than holding on to an elusive concept?

My conflicting emotions after the affair #freeverse #confessions #cheating #affair

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:10
It's. Wow. Your voice is very nice on the swale. I can definitely picture you being a voiceover. You should really try that. I could feel exactly where you were going, what you were trying to accomplish, and at the same time feeling the emotions of someone who was wanting to be happy but torn between. I can actually I can actually relate to that. I can relate to that. Being a divorced person, newly divorced, actually
