Kyra K.
@kyrakira · 4:20

#TellYourStory | What helps me get through troubled times...

And so, suffice to say, this idea of girlhood is something that's really dear to me. But I think oftentimes we paint girlhood as something fleeting and almost even childish a little bit. And we kind of confine it to this space in our mind to maybe adhere to social expectations of what this contrast between girlhood and adulthood. It's such a jarring transition, but we have these ideas that these are two separate things

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp2 @dbpardes

Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 1:02
Hello. I too am a college student. I thought what you said about community and girlhood was so beautiful. It's great that you have your roommates and you go do trivia and failed book clubs. I've definitely tried a failed book club with my friend and we never finished the book. I think that what I have to add to that is, even as we enter adulthood, we should never let go of our childlike qualities. In your mind, I think we should mature, but maybe not
PJ Price
@pjthedj · 3:10

2 things that you can do anywhere any time.

You have it anywhere, anytime, as long as you're alive, that is. If you're not alive, then I guess your troubled times are over. So a deep breath for me. And even better, you know how you can look up towards the stars at night and your complete airway is clear because your head is back, your chin is up, you're looking at the stars. You have this great opening in your airway. Don't be afraid to do that. Take a moment
