Krystal Kitsune
@Krystal_Kitsune · 3:57

SoCal Gaming Expo 2023 - My experience

But I mean all in good fun. Again, if you guys want attention to this convention, just search up Gaming Expo SoCal Gaming Expo and you'll find it right away. Anyway, thank you so much for listening to my Socats. And again, if you guys are interested in to seen what I do regarding interviewing awesome guests such as Maggie Robinson, you can go ahead and check me out. I'll leave hashtags and links in the stockhost description box. Thank you

My interview with Maggie Robertson, . #residentevil #videogames

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:32
He even bought like, a replica cloud sword. I forgot the name of the sword itself, but that's pretty cool. And when I was listening to you, it really made me think that I wish I held on to some of my systems and my games for my youth. I was always kind of one of those people that whenever I finished a game, I would resell it and then fund a new purchase. I would usually do those for games I didn't love that much
Krystal Kitsune
@Krystal_Kitsune · 1:45


Hey Taylor, I'm glad you enjoyed the review or overview discussion on the convention. Yeah, I've been going to a lot of conventions for a lot of years now and I've always noticed that the smaller ones, they're more accessible, there is a lot fewer things to do. But that's a good thing because in a day you only have like, what, eight, 6 hours to do everything, which is good. And then also it's less industrialized
