The Wonderer Wonders
@Klatschmacher · 4:45

Would You Hitch Your Rope To Gypsy Rose?

If you're not sure what that is, kind of a quick explanation is typically it's a parent or a caretaker who creates medical issues for their child so that they can take them to the doctor, to the hospital. The parent gets attention, and it feeds on something within that parent. Now, the background between Dee Dee and Gypsy Rose is that Mama Dee Dee was a pretty good con artist. She got trips for them. They got to fly in helicopters

A star? Is the public glorifying Gypsy Rose? #gypsyrose #truecrime #Münchhausen

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:32
Honestly, I actually had never heard the full story of Gypsy Rose. I, like, hadn't heard her name, but I never really knew what went down. I never took the time to check it out. So thank you for this. This was great. I'm filled in on the context right now in this pop culture moment. Yeah. Thank you for sharing. And what a dark story all around, really, from the mom, to the murder to everything. Jesus
The Wonderer Wonders
@Klatschmacher · 0:03


Thank you for listening. I appreciate it
@MaverickAce3 · 5:00
He loved her and would do anything for her, and she knew that. So she ended up getting. She pleaded guilty for second degree murder, serving eight years out of ten, and he got first degree murder, pleaded guilty for first degree, and got a life sentence
@MaverickAce3 · 5:00
Another thing I think about, you know, there, this heinous crime, like, it's point blank, period, like, his vulnerability and susceptibility to manipulation made him a victim of circumstance. You know, it was the fact that he had an alternate personality, which she played on, and it contributed to his willingness to commit the murder. You know, he saw it as a way to free his love from her, you know, from the situation
