Keisha El
@kitchenkonjure · 2:55

Life outside of The Program

Peace life outside of these programs. You'll find yourself being tested when you live outside the program. Some of us find it hard to believe that we don't have to take what somebody gives to us. Learn to feed yourself. You. We are masters, so master. Staying grounded, keeping your mind strong is a sure way to stay in your power. Never discount the power of meditation, a healthy diet and moving the body

#staywoke #healthiswealth #knowthyself

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:58
I think I've learned throughout the years of my own self journey that it really matters to be right within and to listen to yours self when it comes to your decisions and what's right for your life and not letting outside influences sway you. So thanks for sharing this message. Have a great day. Bye
