Khushi Chauhan
@khushi_kc · 2:00

Scientists discover dinosaur nests | 265 fossilised eggs | MP | Narmada Valley

There is a strong possibility that the trinity source either traveled to this area of the Narmada Valley particularly to deposit the eggs or that the eggs were also hatched there. The eggs they discovered showed signs of both hatching and non having been hatched. According to the leads researcher diamond, he said that no bones had been discovered and that a microcite scanned for further investigation. The nests that were found in Narmada Valley were close together. These dinosaurs laid x that were between 15 and 17 centimeter in diameter

#dinosaur #fossils #Narmadavalley #eggs

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:19
Hey, Khushi, this is a really, really interesting fact, and I didn't know this myself, but I'm definitely going to check out more on the Internet about this because I am intrigued. So, yeah, thank you so much for sharing this piece of information with us
Samaira Agarwal
@samaira_01 · 0:36


Hey, khushi. This is a really intriguing and interesting audio. This news really got my attention, as this is an unusual news to hear. And we all know dinosaurs have been extinct for so many years now, and I didn't know about this. So thanks to your audio, I went and read about it online. These eggs are huge, about 15 to 17 centimeter, like you said, in diameter. And this is not the first time a discovery of this nature has been made
