Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:41

I could’ve handled it different… But GOD!!!

When I surrender it to Him, he know in my flesh I'm still going to be I was upset. I was angry about it, and I could have handled it so differently because of what I seen yesterday. I'm not going to go into details, because when you lay something at God's feet, it stays there

#wonthedoit #godisgood

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:28
So that when the other things that we deem as big or miraculous happens, we feel it at a soul level even more deeply because we are grateful for the everyday. There are ways that God is moving in my life. I can't even thank Him enough that had 1000 tons. I would not be able to thank Him enough. I've had, and I'm going to share it soon. Some ask of God. And then I realized I was doing it wrong all along
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:41


You are most welcome for even taking the time out to hear all that God is in our lives, who he represents through all out of this universe he created, just how he just blesses us with the ability to be alive life, to be able to have the necessities we need to be here on this earth. So it's really awesome. It's really awesome to even take it to that simple point that you did
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Stephen Swope
@isingforjc7777 · 5:00

I’m New Here i Love To Pray

You were talking about the ability that we should be thankful in the abilities that we do have in our given selves with what it is as far as being able to see, being able to have good teeth, being able to walk, being able to talk, even down to the point to be able to produce saliva. For most people in general, they have to have artificial saliva. So I would love to pray a little prayer for those who don't have those abilities
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 1:47


So it's up to us that actually has control of our platforms to use it wisely to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who need it, for us to be the light, to be the salt of the earth, to do our Father's business and to just stay strong in it. Because like you said, that enemy forgive that yo, and that's my son playing a video game
