Jumpei Kikukawa
@Jumpeter · 4:04

Year end

Hello, this is Jim Jumpeter. Hope all of you had a good Christmas and maybe so many wishes for the next year. The new year I will like. Today is the second, the last day of the work. I'm not quitting for this year. My work will be finished tomorrow. So looking back this year, I was so just busy for work. Usually my office is a little bit shorthanded because of the subsidiary company of japanese company. So very few people need

#endoftheyear #yearend

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:10

#travel #music #connection

So anyway, I just wanted to pop on and say hello again and wish you a happy new year and safe travels as you go to Tennessee. I would love to hear more about your music and what instruments you play. And if there's anywhere we can go to listen to some of your music. And maybe I haven't looked at your actual page, so maybe I should do that after this. But it'd be cool if you do a swell or two of some of the music
Jumpei Kikukawa
@Jumpeter · 2:04


Hi Dobbs, thank you very much for your comment and sorry for my late reply. I was so, I was very busy for my like spending travel during holidays, year end the holidays and yeah, I mean I had a five days, you know, holidays and all of five days spent for travel. It was great. And then the music in Tennessee was amazing. I mean, I didn't know that like Nashville is based on the city of the bluegrass and country music
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:37

#travel #newyear #journey

If you've never been to New Orleans, maybe next holiday or next break you get, try to go to New Orleans and see it, too. I think you'll really enjoy New Orleans. It's in Louisiana, but. Yeah. Thanks for letting me know about how your trip went. I'm glad to hear you had a good time
