Jason Ellison
@JujitsuJason · 5:00

Cry baby

For the longest time, I would say that I've been extremely lonely. And I don't really feel lonely anymore. Like, I genuinely enjoy being alone. I didn't. For a long time. For a long time, I desired to be with someone else. Obviously, I'd been in a relationship and I just wanted that back. I'm finally to the point where I don't want to just be in a relationship just for the hell of it

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp1Feb24 #ugcprompt #TellYourStory @Jeremiah73 | Last time something made me cry

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:26

#love #heal #relationship

So I just wanted to come on, man, and publicly commend you for just doing the work in every single aspect of your life. Just keep putting yourself out there. It sounds cliche, and maybe it's like, maybe this isn't your style. I respect that. But put yourself out there. And I don't mean go to bars or go to speed dating or get on dating websites. I mean, that could work for some people
Ken Imasurvivor
@kenimasurvivor · 2:37


I just was, like, having so much anxiety and so much emotions, and I was really overwhelmed and I didn't know what else to do. So I found something on my phone, and it just basically took me through the steps of meditating, and I found myself crying. I mean, bawling my eyes out like I've never done in my entire life because I was holding back so much pain and I didn't even know it. That might help. Maybe look into it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Jason Ellison
@JujitsuJason · 2:23


And I'm at a point, obviously, where I don't care what people think anymore, truly. And that's been one of the biggest hurdles that I've overcome recently. Thank you, Kevin
Ken Imasurvivor
@kenimasurvivor · 0:43


Hey, Jason, thanks for replying and congratulations on overcoming. I recently just became an actor, and I had to overcome my fears of even walking through a door to read a script. I had the biggest stage fright, and I still do, but it's awesome that we're able to overcome something like that. I love the stuff that I'm hearing about the suicide awareness. I'm actually part of an organization that collaborates overdoses and suicide, and we're always there to help people
