Jolixte SolMiel
@Jolixte · 1:57

#Perspective | The AI revolution is going to...

The AI revolution is going to. Well, I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords. And I just say that, half kidding, what has humanity been working towards? If not allowing for AI and the quote unquote robots to do our toil and labor for us, freeing us up to do amazing things for humanity, what have we been working towards? We should be celebrating the arrival of AI and these amazing robots out there that are toiling away in factories instead of humans

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp3 @arish

Arish Ali
@arish · 0:34


Hi, Jaleksett. Thank you for responding to this prompt. I enjoyed listening to what you had to say. I hope you're right about the promise of AI freeing us, though I do wonder if that means that we won't have to work and we will have the time and resources to do whatever you want. It does remind me of what George Bernard Shaw said the that a perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell, so I'm not sure if humanity is quite ready for that yet
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 3:57


So if you have an aipowered robotic that has displaced two or three jobs, well, then they should pay for the payroll tax of a full time employee, for those three workers that were
Dominic Rinaldi
@Domm · 4:05
It seems very interesting. AI will have its own goals. So that will be, I think, the plot twist for those who think that this design will play out. AI will outsmart everything. AI will replace them. AI will be the psychopath that they can never be
