Jesse Gold
@jesseasgold · 2:00

Do you love pancakes? Check this out…

She has cookbooks. She has another show called Nadia Bakes on Netflix, whatever. And she did a tray Bake with pancakes instead of doing them one at a time. So I decided to try it. I didn't follow her recipe. I used a protein pancake mix with some birthday cake sprinkles. And I made it according to the package directions, and it still turned out perfectly. So basically, this should work for any kind of pancake battery you have

Pancake / flapjack tray bake #gamechanger #breakfast #brunch #sofreakineasy recipe:

J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:20
Hey. Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I've never heard of a baked pancake before, so I'm so excited to try it out. They look so thick and fluffy, and I also, you know yeah, hearing you, that like you put sprinkles in your pancakes. That's kind of genius. So I'm going to try those banks
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:24
As soon as I saw the picture, I knew it was Nadia. I love everything she does. It's amazing. And it looks so good, and it's so cool that it worked with all your substitutions, which sounded really delicious, too. So thank you so much for sharing. I think I will try this this week. So thank you for putting it out there
Kyle Crossman
@kylecrossman · 0:14
I can't wait to try this. That looks so good, and it looks super easy. And I love pancakes in the morning, something that's always super fast and I always have around. So I will definitely try this, and I'm very excited. Thank you so much
