Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:19

Covid round two

I lost my voice and I would cough non stop and uncontrollably for basically a week. But this time, because so much scientific research has been done, they were able to give me a combination of three pills, great big, giant pills. And I took them for a series of five days. And these pills are so strong that I couldn't take any of my regular medication. I have mild cholesterol and I have mild gert, and I take a few pills for that


phil spade
@Phil · 3:20
I avoided it for a good two years before getting it. And it was about a five day sickness and wasn't fun, but it wasn't really extreme. And then I got it in August of last year, and it only lasted about a day and a half. And I started to feel better. And the only reason I even tested was because I lost my sense of smell. So last week, I started getting a scratchy throat, a little bit of a cough
