Jason Whitaker
@jason29171 · 6:06

Being Autistic Tuesday, April 30, 2024

And I think. I think having a boyfriend might help all of these things changes in my life and. And I just want to one thing and. Okay, and I just want a boyfriend. I want boyfriend to cuddle with and do more with and spend time with and watch movies and tv shows with and share my things. I like the things I like to talk about talk about with him and things I like to do, share them with him and maybe travel and go camping

fjasonphoto.com patreon.com/jason29171 #actuallyautistic

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:57
So to take tiny, tiny, tiny steps and slowly, I think you start moving in the direction of the life that you want. But it's kind of. You have to, like, break it down because otherwise it's exactly that. It feels so massive and it feels so far away that you don't take any steps at all. And I think that's. That's been my problem for a lot of my life, and I'm just figuring that out now