Jason Whitaker
@jason29171 · 9:30

Being Autistic Monday, May 13, 2024

How am I gonna meet people if I can't be around crowds? But I could be around some groups of people. It's not very. Not some. Not places where it's very crowded in loud music playing all the time and noises and sometimes. And sometimes smells. Some smells. So how am I ever going to meet a first boyfriend? I don't go anywhere. Maybe if I had somewhere to go

patreon.com/jason29171 fjasonphoto.com #autisticcreator

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:31
Because I'm very much not into the apps or meeting people at bars or crowded places. I don't do well with that either, but, yeah. Thank you for sharing, as always
