Janelle Mangiante
@Janelle · 4:46

Laid off to business owner in 30 days.

But that's how we got started. And we did this in May, mid May, 2023. In that first month, he brought home $2,500 for the few cleanings that he did, which was phenomenal. And the next month, he doubled that. And the next month, he doubled that. And it's just been a snowball ever since. And now we're about nine months into that journey. He no longer goes out to clean other people's houses, but he's learned a lot

#businessowner #overcomingadversity #lifestories

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:21
I love this. And it reminds me a lot of when I was a kid and my mom quit a job that I could see, even with how young it was, with how young I was, I could see that she just was not happy. It was too much traveling, too much time away from us, from her kids. And I could just sense that it made her kind of miserable and she quit
