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Elevate your life and transform your world with our books.

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:04

In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma; author of "The Curve Ball".

You. Demotivation, loss, heartbreak, tribulations, struggles, adversity. Are these words relatable to you? Well, these words represent the beauty of life, wondering how? Well these words showcase those obstacles that you go through and those experiences which makes you stronger. However, there are a lot of people out there who think that shortcuts are the way to climb the ladder of life easily. But that's not the case. So let's understand the concept of living your life layer by layer

#authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 0:59

#question #life #purpose

Hello Manalika. I am eagerly waiting for this episode and I want to ask you that how we can control ourselves to compare unnecessarily to others. Because nowadays we see very young youths earning a are. I am not sure they are earning or not but showcasing their monthly earnings on instagrams, youtubes and showing their luxurious lifestyles. And sometimes these kind of things troubles me. It makes me restless and because of that I am not able to focus on my work and study properly. Please help me in this thing
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 2:19


And secondly, one thing which I think everybody should understand is that you need to get a reality check. Whatever you see on social media is not true. There are a lot of people out there who might be showing you the best lifestyle you can ever live. But in reality, they are very sad. In reality, they don't have any friends. In reality, they don't have anything to be proud about, to be happy about
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:46

In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

Hello everyone. I hope you all are doing good and enjoying the holidays. However, I do know that new year is all about new year resolutions, or should I say resolutions that are only going to be followed for a day or two? Well, we all go through these situations, don't we? Where we plan about something and something completely opposite happens. So let's go deep into the realm of life with Mr. Kolbishar
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 0:08


Hi. It's a great pleasure to be here with the audience. Thank you so much for the opportunity
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:14

Q1. In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma @Colby2000 #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

So, Mr. Sharma, my first question for you would be what inspired you to write a book centered around the transformation of fear wounds and struggle into sources of strength and power? I would love to know about it
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 1:33


You. So the inspiration for me to write the book was a challenge that I faced in my own life when I was a teenager, much like so many other people are going through challenges on a vast variety of spectrums in their own lives right now. And I think it's the essence of a life to go through difficulty, to be reborn in times of adversity, to behoned when things are not going to plan, as opposed to when things are going to plan
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:31

Q2. In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

Hello. You are absolutely right. In this scenario, I think life without any particular adversity is just like a blank slate. You cannot see anything, it's just completely blank. But what makes life beautiful is the experiences that you gain while you are going through different stages of life. And that is something which makes it beautiful, according to me. So in your book, how do you explore the process of turning fear into a motivating force?
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 2:27


And in terms of my own life, I've applied this in my life, whether it's my professional life, whether I went through my challenge that I'd mentioned earlier. I went through the adversity one base at a time and just focused on what are the things I can control. I can't control everything, but I can control myself. In that moment, former US Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld had this great quote. There is known unknowns and there's unknown unknowns
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:53

Q3. In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

And I mean, there are certain times when I am completely disheartened and I don't know what to do. And these motivating forces are not something which comes to my mind at that point of time. I just feel like giving up. And I think many of the people out there, they can relate to this particular issue. So how does the book guide readers into transforming these kind of struggles into a source of human power? Are there some specific strategies or mindset shifts that you emphasize
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 1:41


No one else can replace you with you. No matter how much you're struggling, no matter the difficulty you're going through, there's always brighter days ahead. We have to see a rainbow only after we've seen the thunderstorm. And it's knowing also that sometimes we have to lose something to find everything. And it's only in a possible sense of loss we're ever going to see a true gain
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:30

Q4. In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

I absolutely appreciate the fact that you have changed the concept of fear. And I think everyone who is listening to this particular podcast, they will definitely gain a new perspective about how to tackle their fear and how to tackle adversities in their life. So, Mr. Sharma, you have talked about how this book is somewhat based on your own experiences, right? So is there a part of the book that holds a personal significance for you?
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 1:42


And I had to rely on people for strength. This is an unknown environment, and by relying on people, by asking for help, it made it easier. It taught me so many things that I didn't know. I got great friends from that experience. I elevated my game, I elevated to a new career. I found success in that career. So it's not so much about being hard on yourself. It's about knowing that hardship is only going to make you stronger
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:56

Q5. In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

So there are sayings where they say that, okay, make yourself strong willed and have a strong mind. Focus on yourself and all these things. But they mentioned that there's nothing practical about it. So what practical strategies or exercises does your book offer that can help read us to apply the principles of turning fair wounds and struggle into sources of power in their own lives?
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 3:36


So, for example, say someone is triggered by an event or something someone has said. I would suggest write down what makes someone triggered by that. Is it ancient trauma? Is it some event in your past? Is it shame? Is it guilt? These are all universal emotions. And you have to figure out what animates you to act like that within that moment. The third one, rituals
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:33

Q6. In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

For most of the people, I'm not saying about the entire population, but most of us just read something, then we keep it aside, and then we go on with our life. So what steps do you encourage readers to take after reading the book? To actively incorporate the principles of transformation in their lives
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 2:14


So I am just suggesting take some time and understand where the author is coming from. How can you find relatability and make it authentic in your own personal lives? Maybe the other thing to do is keep a journal about what you've learned from the book so far
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:26

In conversation with Mr. Colby Sharma #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Colby2000

Alright, so that's all for today. Thank you so much Mr. Sharma, for such an insightful conversation. Plus, I am pretty sure that whoever will listen to this podcast, they will gain a new perspective regarding life. And also, I'm very excited to read your book, the curveball and would definitely encourage my audience to read it as well. So grab the book as soon as possible and I definitely wish you all the best for your future givers. Thank you once again
colby sharma
@Colby2000 · 0:09


Pleasure is all mine. Thank you so very much for this opportunity. And I want to wish you and your readers all the very best and keep going forward. Bye
