Christie Jackson
@JacksonBlessing · 3:54

A little Introduction! Who am I?

I am also a worship leader at my church. We don't have any children. We have a dog. His name is Tyson and we've had him since he was six weeks. He's about 18 weeks now. So that is pretty much life wise who I am. My husband currently owns a service business, been owning it for about ten years. I'm from Louisiana. We currently reside in Louisiana. I am a human resources specialist for the State of Louisiana Department of Education
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:51
And, yeah, I look forward to hearing more of your swells on here and content and, yes, all about uplifting and helping others. So I hope you have a great day and a great weekend and yeah, chat chat soon
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:44

#hello #welcome #welcometoswell

And, yes, your testimony is immensely important because somebody is going through something that you went through, that you have overcome, and God has brought you through. So they do need that encouragement to hold on just a little bit longer until the Lord blesses them or brings them out. So thank you for being here
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:44
Hi, Christy. My name is J l. Two separate letters, J-L-I emphasize that now because some people hear me say it and they'll say, oh, Jane. I'm like, no, not Jane. Not Jane or J-A-Y-N-E. It's J L. And I am welcoming you to the swell platform. It is big community that will inspire you, empower you, encourage you, expose you, educate you. There's so much to gain and learn and contribute to this community
