Anurag Singh
@its_me_patel_ · 1:46

The Dark Side Of Fitness Culture - Drug and Steroid

Hello. Hi. Hello. Good afternoon. Hope you all are doing well. So this is my last post on health and fitness so please listen to all the previous ones too. So today I am here to talk about the drugs and steroid in fitness industry. As many of you already aware, there have been numerous death cases is links to steroid and drug in fitness industry. Why?
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 3:04
But from inside, those people are very fit, they have no problem, they have no health issue. So nobody should any kind of have any need to look like Hrithik Roshan or some other kind of bodybuilder, right? So everyone is not going in fashion industry or film industry. Basically we need to be fit and healthy. So definitely we must try for that. And we should not play with our health, taking these kind of drugs and strides
