Chris Gritti
@InteGritti · 1:43

Why isn’t recognizing manipulation a priority for you?

You? Why don't you care that you're being manipulated? Why isn't it important enough to be a priority? Do you believe somehow that you deserve to be manipulated? Do you believe manipulation is the optimal way for a society or a community to be governed? It I sincerely doubt you do. Yet, strengthening your ability to recognize and respond to manipulation is not a priority in your life right now. Why?

Why don’t you care that you are being manipulated?Why isn’t important enough to be a priority? Is it just easier yo ignore it? #manipulation #mindful

@InteGritti So, what are you hoping for? What would it look like for an individual/collective to prioritize recognizing manipulation?

In some cases, we need to use the technology in order to have a job. Right? So then what's the priority? The manipulation? The job that paycheck that puts a roof over our head and food on our table. How do we sort through prioritizing? In some cases it's a matter of privilege, of what can be prioritized and what can't be. Right. I think, too, I found that a lot of people just say, well, that's just how things are
