Gentle Flame By India
@INDIA333 · 4:50

When having more doubt than faith

It pulls us completely away from what we're actually called to do, right? And when you have faith, there's no room for doubt. So when you have doubt, then that means you're lacking in faith, right? Because doubt of any sort is pulling you away from what God is asking us to do, which is put all of our faith and trust in him

#faith #trust #putgodfirst

Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:35
Absolutely. I agree. Because the minute we doubt if something is going to take turn for the worse, then that ends up manifesting and actually happening. So that is why it is important to be aware and not to doubt yourself if you are about to do something good if there is some positive change in your life. I learned that the hard way because I used to constantly doubt every time I used to take step towards a positive outcome or positive thing and that wouldn't help, it would backfire
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 2:19
So that's when I realized that it is important to just think positive. Focus only on the positive that, yes, this is happening, or this will happen, or, you know, I can do it. Focus on that aspect instead of saying that, what if I can do it, you know. Because when you add the phrase, what if? What if this happens? What if that happens? You are literally calling into that energy
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:29
I mean, that is why they say, you know, always think I can do it. It is possible. Do not think I cannot do it or that it is impossible. Because whatever your thinking or putting your focus on energy on ends up happening. If you think that it is impossible or you cannot do it, then clearly you cannot do it. You know, it is you are. You yourself are stopping yourself from doing it
