@homosanity · 5:00

Why Am I Crying?

And when she brought that up, she said, I want you to know I'm going to tell you what I've been going through in my life so that you feel that you can tell me what's going on in yours. So she told me, and it was shocking. It was raw. And so that allowed me to feel like I could tell her what was going on. And so we talked, and I shared some things with her, and we laughed

#emotions #friends #vulnerable

SayCo Show
@saycoshow · 1:28
Hey, it's Seiko Alford from the Seiko show. I'm glad you were able to cry because that's a form of venting and it kind of purifies your spirit, your soul, whatever you want to call it. I'm sorry that you were a little down, but you know, I always feel better after a good cry, and it puts things in a different perceptive view for yourself. I'm glad you were able to talk with someone and vent
@homosanity · 0:46


You are so adorable. What I need is for you and your husband to move to Michigan. And then that'll make me feel better. Till then, I have a box of spin wheels open, and I'm eating one of those right now. But, yes, I do feel better. And I'm very fortunate that out of this whole world of swellcast, I have a wonderful new friend like you in my life. So thank you for supporting me
