Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:55

Why do WE Tip? The SORDID History of Tipping in AMERICA💸

article image placeholderTikTok · Amy Chen
How dare you pay $85 or $50 for much needed groceries and not pay extra for this poor soul. So this is not a question of the consumer, it's definitely a question of the industry, because we have waitresses out here that still make $3 or $4 an hour, depending on your state. Again, this is why my husband and I tip very well, because we understand they're not getting paid much. But it does help me to understand the sorted history of tipping

Link to Amy Chen’s Tik Tok: https://s.swell.life/SUBRLOflTA9Nv02 #culture #money #history

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:51
But in her case, all of it goes in her pocket. And in her case, she sets the prices. So we're just so used to tipping, basically, that, you know, we do. So I think the good thing about this now, as it has evolved is because, is that we pretty much are going into these industries because we want to. Yes, you may have to be a waitress or a server because. Sorry. Oh, my air fire finished
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:50


Hi Angela. Thank you so much for responding back. And I love how you concluded by saying that you see those tip jars sitting out at cafes and such. Because when I was a barista, we had a big old tip jar that was right there. But that was like in 2004 or 2005 or something like that. And of course the customers can pay a tip, give a tip if they wanted to