Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:56

Nonbook Topic: The Depression of Resistance: Food, Diabetes, and More😞

Hello. Hi. This is Erica of Bun Bun book pick. And last night I was on my support group app for those with type two diabetes. And even though I had a great A one C level blood sugar level from my doctor, some days are still harder than others. It's really hard because I connect food with the season or with some sort of memory

#Food #ChronicIllness #Diabetes, #Anger

Becky Butler
@bc75 · 3:19
I still have Crohn's disease and it bothers me in other ways, but I can eat. So that social aspect has returned. And I missed it very much. And I guess until I stopped eating and did liquid based diet, it was just an eye opener for me. How social food is, how loving food is, how the knitting, coaching, bonding food is to share a meal with somebody. It's an intimate thing, or it can be if we make it. So
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 4:29
I have to watch my sugar and everything. If I eat French fries, it raises my sugar up. So I get you when you say that you're angry. And I think I'm always going to be angry about diabetes because it's not just fat people that have diabetes or thin people that have diabetes. There are a lot of people that are in great shape and they have diabetes. And then there are people that are in not so good shape and they have diabetes
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:16
And in a way, I guess I can't complain because, like you said with Crohn's, you experienced so much for those three years. I don't know what mental state I would have been in if I was throwing up all the time and couldn't eat anything. It is very demoralizing and isolating. But I am so glad you're able to eat now and that there have been at least some small changes from before
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:54


But I know everyone's story is not like that. And that's the part of anger, because my grandma's mother lost her sight again, like you said. And I agree, this is not a big person's disease. 37.5 million people in America have diabetes or are at least prediabetic. That's a lot. That means this is extremely common. So that means that this is not even really about us. We have to give ourselves some mercy
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:02

Voortmans Vookies and Tropicana Zero Sugar Juice

If I do drink regular juice, it's a really tiny shot of it, but they do have zero sugar tropicana juice, and I eat vortman's zero sugar pecan shortbread cookies. So vortman's have that as well. And I was highly surprised by the flavor. So, yeah, those are just two things that I thought I tell you about. That's really good
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@FateSlicer815 · 4:59


And yeah, that helps with a lot of different things. But yeah, I highly recommend that documentary if you want to know more about diabetes. Barbara O'Neill has a lot of stuff that she talks about in reference to diabetes and a lot of different diseases. Anyways, take it easy, guys. Have a good one
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:04
I just finished reviewing that book last week, and so as soon as you mentioned it, I was like, yes, that's what she was talking about. Where those centenarians, I think they call them live, and they don't know about diabetes or anything like that, and they still eat meat, but it's the portion of it, like you said, they have a pretty simple diet. And unfortunately, in America, our diets have been pretty complex and varied
