Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:34

Let’s Not Call It TYPE 2 Diabetes ANYMORE…😬

So why don't we call it what it is? It's a metabolic dysfunction that involves insulin resistance. Now, what is insulin resistance? It means that your cells is not accepting the glucose that the insulin is trying to shove into it. The cells, the red blood cells, are resistant to it. So you have the insulin. As a type two, you have the insulin

#Support #Type2Diabetes #InsulinResistance #ChronicIllness

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:52

#CallItWhatItIs #InsulinResistance

It's insulin resistance, so our bodies don't process it the way that it should, and that's all. And then with type one, diabetes is totally different. But anyway, I love this, and people should just go to social media with it if we want that to change. Hashtag call it what it is, hashtag insulin resistance. So, yeah, I love this idea. It's smart, it works. It explains all at the same time. So thank you
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:39


Yep, brilliant is insulin resistance. And, yeah, we're gonna have to start that hashtag. I'm gonna see how I can do that. I don't know if I can do that. Maybe on my podcast, I opened up my podcast, deals with poetry, but maybe I can turn it into. Perhaps I can turn it into something
