Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:20

Tim Ward Says " There’s No Such Thing As Work/ Life Balance—It Makes No Sense"🤔

Even my own job puts out surveys asking us how do we feel about the work life balance, and it never really balances out perfectly for any of us. So what Tim Ward was saying is, work is a part of life, but you have to look at it like, look at life as if it's a very large pizza, right? So say there's like twelve slices you can get out of this pizza. Work is probably, it should be about three of those slices, right? , #WorkLifeBalance #Minimalism #YouTube

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:21
And then she was in the one to where she was working a lot and she had all this money and she didn't have time for a relationship. But then she found one because she finally settled, tried to find time for herself. So I agree that it's very important to find that quality self time. Quality time with your loved ones, friends, family. Quality time to yourself. I enjoy being with myself some times here and there
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:20
So work is a part of life. In fact, most of us, a great number of us find our identity in work. If you ask somebody what do they do? Most times the first thing that's going to come out of our mouth is our profession or lack thereof. Well, I'm out of work right now. Well, I'm retired. Well, and God forbid if you are something that's seen as less favorable. Well, right now I clean
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:04
And I'm still trying to think of the movie you're talking about with Taraji, because I know I've seen that one. I've seen an indie film, too. I segue very quickly to movies. I think I've seen an indie film where it was a couple and the woman and her fiance, they were used to a certain routine. She was used to working and having a job, and he worked
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:33
And it's true, some people, they don't have a job. Depending on their age and station in life. It does make you curious. Okay, this person isn't working. What are they doing? Because idle hands, I guess, are the devil's playground. Like they used to say, so what are you doing with your time? And it's all what you're doing with your time. Some people, they've worked all their life since they were 14 or 16
