Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:43

Why Does Amazon HAVE to Use USPS? + My No Good, VERY Bad Day😞Part 1

Hi, y'all. Happy Wednesday. Yeah, happy Wednesday. Yesterday was terrible. Anything that could go wrong went wrong to the point where I'm like, okay, what? Who is saying something? Who was doing something? Because first of all, why is Amazon using USP's? The postal worker that's out here is not very good at all. So I ordered some art supplies and they were supposed to come yesterday. The status said delivered. And I know how this rodeo show goes

#Amazon #NotFeelingGood #Today’sRantSpecial

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 0:33


Good morning. Meyer. Of musing. Thank you so much. That really made my day as well. Thank you for showing your compassion. Thank you for understanding. And, yeah, Amazon has definitely been slipping, so I'm going to try to process things a little better today and just, just take it easy and, yeah, just reframe my thinking. Thank you so much
