Heidi H
@heidi · 0:52

#SwellSmallTalkPoll Number One! One Color of Food for the Rest of Your Life

Green has so many of my favorite food food lettuce, avocados, cucumbers, zucchinis. I love a good grilled zucchini. Even my favorite ice cream, mint chip, is green. And before you get too bummed out about all the healthy food that's green, there's green Eminems, and, of course, green gushers, which are an unpopular opinion to be favorite, but they are personally my favorite. So let me know. Do you agree?

#food #justforfun #smalltalk #sayitonswell #colors

Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:45
You know, I kind of had the same thought that you initially did in that the yellow slash beige territory of food is probably my favorite. And I mean, there's so many foods and spices that I can think of off the top of my head that are good for you or just delicious to eat. I mean, you have things like ginger and turmeric and yellow onions and things like popcorn, potatoes and fries
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:57
I do want to also say that if someone comes on here and says they can only live with white food, man, that's going to be a tough life. Because they say a lot of things that are white are bad for you. Like white bread and white potatoes and white rice and white milk and white ice cream and whipped cream and all that stuff is just cheese. It's a heart attack waiting to happen. So anyway, but feel free if you're loving white things
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:24

@Taylor Thinking about Yellow foods now… 🤤

I know you've really got me thinking, because I thought about yellow, and then I went to Green. But now I'm thinking about yellow, and I'm honestly so glad that we can eat all kinds of food. I think I'm still gonna stand by Green. But, man, I would really miss potatoes and corn. Everything you said sounded so good. Maybe I'm just hungry. But I don't think I could live without all the foods
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:27

I gotta go green as well.

And when I was young younger, I'm so young, but when I was younger, my parents used to have to take the vegetable trays away from me so that I would eat anything else. I am a huge vegetable fan. Usually with the kids my age or any age, you have to take away, you have to push vegetables. My parents never had to do that. They never had to force me to eat vegetables. I would just naturally do it because I love them
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:29

@DBPardes Couldn’t live off of raw onions 😂

Hey, Deb. Yeah? I thought about white initially. I eat a lot of rice in my house, but I just couldn't think of anything else that would go with it. I love raw onions, but I couldn't live off of that. So then I started thinking of everything else white and went down the same rabbit hole that you did about how a lot of those foods are not very good for you. I would be curious to hear if anyone says white as well
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:43

@Chief2 You rock!

Hey Zach. Your swell just made my day. I have never heard of a kid liking vegetables so much. That's really amazing. I'm sure your body is very happy with you and you're probably setting a really good example for so many people. I used to teach kids and it was so hard to get them to eat vegetables or bring vegetables at their snack time. And honestly, as a kid I didn't eat very many vegetables myself
