Heidi H
@heidi · 1:36

#SwellSmallTalkPoll Number 2: If you could have any fictional character be your real life best friend who would you pick?

Good morning. Swell. I am back with another small talk poll. I want to know if you could have any fictional character to be your real life best friend, who would you pick? For me, I would definitely have to pick Paddington Bear. My family is Peruvian, and Paddington Bear is originally from Peru, so they've always had a soft spot for him

Catch me Running around London with Paddington! #smalltalkpoll #justforfun #bestfriend

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:05
Thought about this, but I think for me, you know just shenanigans they would get up to but throughout they were both like really excellent friends for each other. I'm actually modern family right now and I love Bill Dunn somebody who other good, especially maybe one of your friends is a more recent answer that I would give for this question
Jerome Dees Jr
@SpeakerDees · 0:53

Realizing I Watch Too Much Science Fiction and Superheroes

I do love yours and I love the story. I think back to my childhood and when my parents went to have my first sibling, which was a little sister, I did have a Teddy Rupskin that I would take to the classes and I'd put the diaper on them and learn how to put a diaper on a baby. So I'm going to go with Teddy Rupskin only because everything else that I'm watching terrifies me. For that to come to life and be a part of my life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tracy Hansen
@momma2bubbas · 0:43

#littlehouseontheprairie #lauraingalls

You're. Good morning. That's a really interesting topic. The first thing that came to my mind, the first character, and I'm going to stick with it, would be Laura Ingles from Little House in the Prairie. I grew up watching that show most of my childhood and then watching Reruns much later on. And I just think Laura is really dynamic. She's kind, she's mischievous at times. She always has a moral compass, and she comes from a good family
layla solms
@braindumpblue · 1:11
You? I love this question. I think for a fictional character that I would like to be friends with in real life, would need to be either Olivia the pig from the children's picture book written and illustrated by Ian Falconer and my neighbor Totoro from the studio Ghibli films. Yeah, I love totoro that he is adorable and he's also not wimpy. He's strong, he's caring, he's observant, he's got a great sense of humor
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:27


Hey, thanks for responding. I agree with you. There is way too many movies and TV shows I'm watching right now that I would not want to meet any of those characters. A lot of the childhood characters are much friendlier and cuter to hang around with. However, I am going to start the new Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem show on Disney Plus, so I would hang out with every single one of the Muppets
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:17

@momma2bubbas im going to have to watch little house on the prairie now!

Hey. I've actually never seen The Little House on the Prairie. My mother in law has been asking me to watch it with her, though, so I guess I should take the time to look into it. She definitely sounds like a lot of fun, and you guys could probably have some great adventures together. Thanks for your response, and I hope we get to chat more in the future
Heidi H
@heidi · 0:32

@braindumpblue next movie night!

Hey, I don't know Olivia pig. I'm going to have to look her up. But I'm sure she's super cute. And I agree with you. I would definitely hang out with storybook characters every single day of the week. The world would be so fun. I haven't seen my neighbor tote throw since I was very small. I'm going to have to rewatch it
