Heather B
@HeatherB · 4:48

Nurturing Healthy Tech Habits: Insights for Tweens and Teens

So you're taking their age, their maturity level, and then your own individual circumstances into account. So, again, I can't say there's a magic age for this, but as parent and guardians, we play a very significant role in shaping our children's online experiences. Active parental involvement does show to be positively influential in their online life

#digitalwellness #screentime #socialmedia

Heather B
@HeatherB · 4:40
This is huge right now, and schools need to be pushing it even more than they are. But parents need to understand it, promote the balanced lifestyle. We're empowering our Tweens and teens to make these choices and to navigate this digital world responsibly. But again, we need to help them because there's so much potential for positive experiences, social connections through social media. But it's up to us to provide them with the necessary skills
