Raise your vibrations

By praying, I don't mean that you go and sit in your temple in the house. By praying, I mean just making yourself comfortable and saying a particular mantra or a prayer that you believe in. We all live in a world which is busy, so connecting to the divine can be done at any point of time. Of course, offering formal prayers should be a part of everyone's routine

#raiseyourvibrations #frequencyspeaks #manifest #swellcast #loa


So we were discussing about gratitude and the time got up. So I am continuing this welcome. The point of gratitude again. So all those of you who would be writing gratitude and counting our blessings before sleeping, it said that such people sleep much better and have lesser anxiety as compared to people who don't. So make it a particular and a very regular habit of scripting your gratitude. And it should be best done in a journal which is specially created for writing gratitude and your affirmations
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 1:48
Hanidi, thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful cast. I just love listening to it and it was so enlightening for me. Even I read it at several places. At Raising Your vibrations, it's very important that you keep yourself in an uplifted mood. Whenever you step out of the house. You should be very, very particular about it that you are dressed as well. Even if you are going through any kind of low face, you should always have that smile on your face
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


Hi Swati. It's so nice to hear from you. You've got a lovely voice and what you are saying actually resonates a lot with me and I think we really match up on our vibes. Whatever you are saying is 100% correct and I myself follow all these practices as through the life have gone through various experiences and this is what life has taught me to. There are ways to stay happy no matter what goes on in life
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 0:27


Ah. Hi, Navy. Thank you for responding. I think there's a saying that vibes attract drive, and this is really what happened. I think Universe had planned something like this for us to meet on this platform called Swell Cast. So I'm so glad that I got in touch with people like you. Thank you so much, and we'll be in touch with each other. Thanks a lot. Keep growing, keep shining, keep smiling. And bye for now
