Indigo Traveler
@HealingTraveler · 4:28

Self-care & Circadian Rhythms

They prepare your body for expected changes in the environment and time for certain activities, time for sleep, times to eat and so on. There is increasing evidence that supports the circadian system and how it influences aging and longevity. So an ideal routine would be sleep. Aim to spend 8 hours in bed each night to allow at least 7 hours of sleep. Our diet eat within an eight to ten hour window of time each day

#circadianclock #circadianrhythms #selfcare #time #healthiswealth #wellness #mornings #startyourday

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:17
I'm definitely really interested in the circadian rhythm circadian sleep cycle because I feel like it speaks to like a natural, like, intuitive way of getting rest. I personally have had really bad sleeping habits since I was a kid. I had insomnia when I was a child and since then have had a really hard time getting an appropriate amount of sleep. Getting restful sleep. I think that's a big one. And yeah, I've been sort of intrigued by this idea of intuitive living
