Abhishek Haridasan
@harryrockerz · 4:56

#Poetry | Lines from a poem that I can never forget...

I'm so glad that I probably went through the rigors of such beautiful learning, such beautiful poems, because there's so much value that one gets from such conversations, and especially when you have a good professor who is ready to dive so deep into each and every line of a poem

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb9 @arish

Susi Lawson
@susisouljourney · 3:53
You. Hello, swell friend. I just. I was just getting to bed and going through trying to navigate. I'm still trying to figure out how to navigate. Swell. And I came upon your post. I always loved this poem, too, even in probably elementary school and junior high, you know? And the older you get, the more you realize it's not a literal poem, which I thought it was in elementary school
Abhishek Haridasan
@harryrockerz · 4:45

@susisouljourney Heartfelt and profound! #thankyou 💯

I'm assuming that's what this medium is all about. Sharing your thoughts, sharing perspectives, leaving voice notes to show authenticity. And of course, I think the makers of swell have realized that it's through communication, and communication in any form, that all of us learn something new and also take back something which we hopefully shall build on. Yeah, I think that's the good intent here. Thanks once again for your side of the understanding of that poem, and I wish you well
