Neena Verma
@GrowWithNeena · 4:56

Inclusive Learning

He used to get all those kids home and just bring out all his books, whatever books and puzzles that we used to buy for him, put them out on the floor, and then it would be some kind of an open, free for all kind of a library that all kids enjoyed and had fun. So the kids who come from prevalent background, they didn't have much kind of excitement about Utah's books because they had enough of their own stuff

Talking today about a cause i feel very strongly aboyt, and have been serving in my private capacity & of my own funds. #ShareACause #InclusiveLearnin

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:07
And I have enjoyed doing this and get a lot of questions, also get to learn a lot of things from these youngsters young minds purely because they bring in so many refreshing perspectives as well. So anyway, thank you so much for sharing this and also giving me the opportunity to get inspired once again through this story. You god bless you
Neena Verma
@GrowWithNeena · 2:49

@Wordsmith #boojks #reading #library #legacy #mission #volunteering #shareacause

Whatever I can do, I would love to do. Especially with the kids with whom we engage through our library and wherever I go and do sessions or set up a new library. I think it will be very nice if I take your message of being aware of the fake news and being aware of what news kids are consuming from social media and news media. So I would perhaps reach out to you and seek some learning from you in this regard
