K Roxanne Hispoem
@GospelScribe · 5:00

Overcoming Guilt

We need to confess our sins to God through Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the only sinless, spotless Lamb of God, the only one who kept all of God's laws perfectly, the only person, the only being on this planet to perfectly obey God's laws as you is was Jesus Christ. And through Jesus Christ and his forgiveness of our sins, we can be counted, considered righteous in God's eyes. How can we be freed from guilt?

#Scriptures #guilt #sin #confession

K Roxanne Hispoem
@GospelScribe · 1:25

#guilt #confession #forgiveness

He has done for us what we cannot do for ourselves. God sent Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for your sins, for my sins. When we trust in Him, the ultimate punishment for our sin is fully removed and we are freed from guilt. I pray this is a blessing to you. And until the next podcast asked, I pray the Lord bless and keep you. I pray the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. In Jesus name. Amen
