Edlyne Decady
@GloryMovement · 5:00

Psalm44: We have heard with ears o God, our fathers have told us,what work thou didst in their days, in the time of old.

Arise. Cast not off forever. Cast not us forever. Wherefore hide Thou thy face and forget us, and forget our affliction and our oppression. For our soul is bow down to the dust and our belly cleave unto the earth. Arise for help and redeem us for thy mercy's sake. Father, we thank you today. We thank you, father, you'll never forget us even, Father, when we have gone astray. You will not forget us. O Father, we thank you today

#psalm44 #we #have #heard #ears #oh #God # our Fathers #have #told #us #in God #we #boast #all #the #dsy #long #arise #redeem #mercy #sake
