Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 4:57

Time Saving Hacks

Are you still going to various offices to pay your bills? Are you still going to the market to buy groceries? Are you still going to the bank for all your banking work. This will take up a lot of your time. So what is the solution? Digitize every task that can be digitized and do it now. Please don't wait for another day. Next is your easy tasks first. Complete the easy tasks first and that'll make you feel happy and set a tempo for the day

#timesavinghacks #timesavers #timemanagement #selfhelp #books #motivation #advise

Hello, ranjana good morning. Thanks for inviting me on. Russell and it's really good to know about all your thoughts. That how we can value our time and how we can do effective time management, be it personal, be it professional. Sure. And that's, like, very important to know. Manage our 24 hours in a day. Thanks. Thank you so much
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:20


You. Thank you for stopping by. It's so nice to have your feedback. And thank you so much. And really appreciate that you took the time to go through the podcast and leave your feedback here. Have a lovely day. Bye
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 0:56
It is so thoughtful of you to be posting on all these wonderful and important topics. Your swells are all practical and always helpful. So thanks a lot. Have a great day. Take care
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:30
Thank you so much for stopping by himanshi. It's always great to hear from you. You're absolutely right. That for being more productive, we have to start early. And the earlier you start, the earlier you finish. And you always have that extra time, which people are surprised at. That how come this person can do so much in the same amount of time? So that's the trick. Because you start early, earlier than the others. So thank you so much
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:10
I'm very old school in that way, but I prefer to write down everything. I prefer to see what is more important, what is less important. And I always have Sunday plans that I'll do that task in advance so that that the next week is saved in doing that task and I can focus on other things. So I'm so happy that you are providing these suggestions, these tips. Thank you so much, ma'am. And keep swelling, keep posting. Thank you so much
Yozindagica Yozindagica
@yozindagi · 0:22
Thank you, Ranjana for giving these tips. I will try to apply in my daily task and my daily life. These tips. Thank you for sharing this in swell. Thank you very much
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:20
Thank you so much for stopping by Kadambari and sharing your views. I'm so glad that you make your to do list and there are so many things that you're doing which can save time. So thank you so much for sharing and always being there to support. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:12
You. Thank you so much for your inputs. I'm glad that you found them useful and will be deploying them in your daily routine. That would be great. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 0:59
Hi, Ranjana. Thank you so much for taking us through such insightful tips that you have offered to all of us over here and how we can manage our time, which is the only biggest and the most valuable, precious resource that is available to us. But unfortunately, it will not be available to us all the time. Time. So time is something that we must be very watchful, we must be very mindful when we are spending it
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:25
Thank you for stopping by Swati. And thank you for your valuable feedback. As you rightly said, time is the most valuable resource available to us, that it is limited. But I don't know why everybody thinks it's in abundance and keeps wasting it. So you've rightly said that it is one resource which we will get over very soon. So thank you so much. Have a lovely day. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:22
Hi Ranjana. Thank you so much for such wonderful tips. I do agree with each and every tip that you have put, like doing multitasking, like checking your mails when you're waiting. So especially when you talked about this, basically, my office is far away from my home and I have to travel every day, two and a half hours in the evening and it takes almost one and a half hour in the morning to reach office. So that is where I'm in the cab
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:50
Thank you for stopping by Gauri and sharing your feedback. It is always great to hear from you. I am so glad that these tips resonated with you. Yes, you know, while you're traveling, you can definitely answer some calls or maybe check your emails, work on your presentations. Especially because since you're traveling, like you mentioned about, say, two, three, 4 hours, 4 hours of the day is going in
