Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 3:40

Numerology - Impact of Numbers on Life and Success

And number one is the number for the sun, the father of all planets, the king of all planets. So, number one is the number of the sun, and it is a very beautiful number, like any other number, because it has its own traits, it has its own potential. So whatever numbers that are affecting you have some kind of a hidden potential in them, and we just have to see how we can mold that to benefit you

#numerology #numbers #success #motovation

Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 3:34
Undoubtedly, I don't know about numerology in its totality. I don't understand the logic behind relevance of numbers. I'm sure it is backed by some strong rationale that I'm yet to figure out and discover. But you know one thing, I believe that numerology explains fundamental personality traits quite aptly. Like I have seen it and I have no doubt about it, that the fundamentals that numerology gives about personality is often really true. So I am an Aries because my birthday is on 23rd March
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 2:12
Because in this case, since it's numerology, so we don't talk about Zodiac signs, but we talk about the numbers, the various numbers that are either favorable for us or they are not, and how the date of birth plays a big role in our personality traits. Like you mentioned that the personality traits would be apt to the T
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Life Gyaan 👼
@chaithraprabhu · 0:39
Hey, Ranjana. Ma'am. First of all I would like to ask. Sorry because in my previous replay I addressed you by your name and sorry for that. I was not sure about how to address you. Yes, I agree with you. Because I'm someone who believes things only if it works for me. All significant incidents that happen in my life relate to my birth date. My phone number, my street block, my suit number and my office are all connected to my birth number
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:39
Hi. Thank you so much. You can call me Ranjana. And I am glad that your numbers are working for you. So that means that all these numbers that you have spoken about, they must be compatible with your date of birth. That is the reason that they are all suited to you. So that's a very good thing because a lot of people don't have that advantage age
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:45
Hi, ranjana. I'm not much into numerology and I don't even know any kind of things about numerology. But once after listening to your swell, I could actually connect with certain aspects. And I'm just trying to get to know more about numerology through your swells. So keep posting about and I'll surely listen to your swells and get to understand how this numerology, especially how numbers, will affect our day to day life
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:42
So let me post some more details about numerology in my coming podcasts later this week so that we can just catch up on what rationale is there and how dermatology can help us look at life from a different perspective, and how we can use the hidden potential in our date of birth to help us. Thank you for listening. Have a lovely day. Bye
Lakshmi Sharath
@Lakshmisharath · 1:11
I'm always keen on learning more about numerology, I'm always interested in listening to more insights and I definitely look forward to being here and listening to more of your swells
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:32
Hello. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your views. I'm glad that you like the insights of Numerology. And you are a number four, which is a very good number. And we'll definitely go through these podcasts where we'll talk about various numbers and their traits and other aspects. So so I hope you'll be there to listen. And take care. Have a lovely day. Bye
