Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 9:22

Your Numbers Have Something To Say

Similarly, it's not just your date of birth, it could be even your mobile number, the number of your house, the number of your car. And so many of these things can really have so much impact on our life, on our day to day life that we don't even realize it. But once we go through the various aspects of numerology, we realize that these things are true

#numbers #numerology #yournumbershaveroaayaonething #scienceofnumbers

preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:32
Hi Ranjana. It's pretty interesting subject per se. But my knowledge onto it is very limited. But I found it very fascinating that numbers and I totally somewhat believe in that. That numbers do have an influence on what we are and how we are. Even a name like pretty can be spelt in many ways. But the name, the Alphabet that you're using. All that has some relevance
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:51


Thank you so much. Preeti. You are absolutely right in saying that the names spellings have a lot of bearing on your personality, on your success, and a lot of other things in life. And I definitely will take up this subject in my upcoming podcast, and in between I will try and talk about the various numbers and how they impact and what happens when you change your name spellings. I'm glad that you like this, you're curious about the subject and you would like to know more
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

The Peace Program
@luisangel789 · 4:56
And I would say to myself, how did things get so bad that were so good? Things were good in my life and then all of a sudden they turned bad. And that's because of the four energy that exists within me, within my life path. So I totally understand what you're saying concerning numerology. I'm also a neuro linguistic programming specialist. I've studied that
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:27


So thank you so much for getting back on this. And I look forward to hearing more from you about numerology. And yes, you have a good life path number. I mean, that's a wonderful number to have. And the energy of four is unique and it's a force in itself. So I am so glad to hear about all that you are doing and it is really very impressive. Interesting. Thank you so much
The Peace Program
@luisangel789 · 2:18
It's been a game changer in my life and in the life of my clients as well. So anyway, I just wanted to get back at you and thank you very much for your response. I appreciate that. Thank you so much. You have a great day. And once again, like I said, I look forward to hearing more about your information and your perspectives on numbers and everything else. Thank you so much. Appreciate
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:48


Thank you so much for responding. Louise. I am so glad to hear about your life journey and that numerology was like a saving factor. And I'm really glad to know that you are doing so many things apart from numerology and that about your counseling and other jobs that you take care of. And it's great to know about all these aspects. And I too, look forward to knowing more from you because you have a vast experience in hemorrhoid
Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:33
At least that is something that I sort of suspect for myself, that I'm too curious and I need my answers all the time. So if I am really bothered about why is something not working out in my life or where am I going in such situation, I would want to take a refuge in neurology or astrology and then I'll become dependent on it. So this is the problem that I sort of suspect for myself
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:04


So I will definitely post more and maybe you make that interest more deep seated and let's see how things go. I'll definitely post more. Thank you so much and have a lovely Monday morning and a lovely new week. Bye
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:20
Hello, Ranjana. Good evening. Thank you so much for inviting me to your swearcast. And incidentally, a while ago, about two, three months ago, I just had this weird idea of trying out numerology myself. I just wanted to see how it works. And I basically sat down with my birth date and my birth year and tried to prepare my own loshu grid. I really enjoyed doing that entire thing
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:58


I think they would have had papers and pencils at least, or some kind of a slate or a chalk. But I don't know how they managed such numbers, big numbers, and how they would have understood. So I'm still so amazed. And I really admire those people who would have come up with vedic maths and numerology also, I wonder, you know, how. How somebody came up upon a low sugar grade and how they understood that this is how it is done
