Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:48
Mind you, I never do these sorts of things. But I will do it because Christina challenged me to do so. Part of her plum plays swell challenge two Truths in one Lie those who are in the online dating world realize this is a popular prompt that you can include on your dating profile. So enclosed will be three sets of questions. And you can answer with these questions of which is the truth and which are the lies or lie? The choice is up to

#PlumbPlays #SwellChallenge

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:07

I have No Middle Name

Due to my dad having no middle name. I have no middle name


Thank you, Duan, for picking up the baton, if you will. And I'm honored. I know this isn't your thing, but thank you for playing. I have to say, this first one made me pause. I wondered if it was one of those two parters where, like, half of it was true and not the other half. So, for example, maybe you don't have a middle name, but it wasn't because your dad didn't have a middle name
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:02

I love Watermelon

I love watermelon
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:33

I have never ate a Fried Oreo. I nominate @ilovelucee for challenge.

To date, I have never ate a fried oreo. And I nominate? Who should I nominate? I nominate Loose. I love loose. I believe that's her name on here to do the two truths and one lie challenge. Thank you for listening. I look forward to hearing your answers below
Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 0:25


So I'm just gonna go and say that this is the lie. I don't know. I have nothing this is kind of hard, so I really have nothing to go off of, but I don't know. I'm gonna just say this one. That you the fact that you said that you never had a fried oreo, I think that that's the lie. Yeah. Thank you for nominating me
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 0:42

@ilovelucee @SeekingPlumb

Hey. Thank you, loose for participating. But I'm sorry, I should have been a bit more clear. I nominate you to make an original post. Your own post talking about your truth, two Truths and One Lie. I'm not going to answer your one yet. I'm going to wait a little while. But you do your Two Truths and One Lie and use the hashtag. And then you get to nominate someone else when you're done
