Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:33

So I bought my Nine Year Old an iPhone.

She's probably the best at understanding how to communicate with others and doing it in a fun and exciting way. My oldest son, he still kind of has a little trouble with that, but he's on the spectrum so that's to be understood to a certain extent. But she's the first. She's going to be the guinea pig of the kids. And depending on how things go with her, it can trickle down to my other kids. Now

This should turn out great, right? 👀 #iphone #legacy

Jeri Wonder
@JeriWonder · 3:46
So if you know, you have friends and family who are very active on Twitter, she's got to friend them and they've got to know that they're looking out for what she's saying and doing on the device. I think I've pretty much cleared it up and everything I wanted to share is apparent with experience with this. And it just so happens that last night, for some reason, I got into viewing YouTube videos, something in my feet, you know how it goes
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:51

Social media surely has changed! lol @JeriWonder

Jerry. Hello. Good morning to you. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. And yes, I definitely would take a lot of that into consideration. I've been rolling out beta test, if you will, with my kids with a feature on the iphone that schedules when they can use the phone. So I've done this with my son. Now, maybe this is the third day where from 07:00 a.m. To 10:00 p.m. Is when he can use the phone
