Kim Harrison
@FlowerHeart · 5:00

Perfumed life , you smell so sweet, LOL

And so there are certain fragrance that stimulate the release of neurotransmitters, and those are things like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. Endorphins, right. Endorphins, the feel good chemical. And these contribute to our overall feeling of happiness and sometimes arousal. Smell the kitty purrr. And so fragrance has the ability to impact our emotional state. So it's important. Right. As a perfumer, I want you to think about this

#perfumedlife #perfumer #feelgood #smellgood

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:56

#smells #flowers #perfume

But to understand the science and the preferences and the things that make up a certain smell and what gives it a certain sensation, that's pretty cool. So thanks for sharing that here with the community. I look forward to hearing more and more from you, and I'm going to follow you so that I can stay in the loop. I know smells can be such a, they can impact the psyche so significantly and they're also one of the best associations with memory
Kim Harrison
@FlowerHeart · 1:42


And it's called can I call you Rose? Anyway, check it out. It's a beautiful song, and I feel like it would be befitting for your friend Kim, who actually makes essence out of flowers. Yes, you are 100% right. The brain and fragrance work together to trigger many memories. I believe we can recall over 1000 cents by our brain. Like, our brain can remember that many cents. Isn't that remarkable?
