Aces Of Fun
@FilmStarlet · 4:49


So I wanted to say something that I feel isn't really discussed in Swell or just in general, even in the world. I mean, when I searched up this term, I only saw maybe do one post about it, but it was really an LGBT post about other kinds of sexualities, and this one just happened to be in it. But this one I want to fully dedicate to this particular asexuality being asexual, which is what I am

#asexual #LGBTQIA #LGBT #ComingOut

Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 3:58
So in her situation, though, there is a problem now. She's married and she has been with her husband for a while. They have kids that are 20 some years old. And I asked her about that. She said, Well, you know, I did what I always did when I was dating people. I would do what I was supposed to do. And she said, but I've just gotten to the point. I just don't want to do it anymore
Aces Of Fun
@FilmStarlet · 3:50

#asexual #LGBT #LGBTQA #ComingOut #Courage #BeingYourself @AverageJoe

I feel like even with me, if I was to ever try a dating site, I mean, yes, it obviously would be so much easier to just do to be part of a dating site that is specifically for Aces, but unfortunately, there are not too many out there. I think there's maybe about two
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 3:39
It must be just something's off, but I'll be able to do this if I do it enough. Like she said, these were the things that were popping into her head. But eventually, as she became more comfortable in the relationship just would stop. And she would want the relationships just to be about the companionship and stuff. And obviously with partners that doesn't work out
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 4:12
Hi film starlet. I am not asexual, but I know of the term, and I'm aware of it. It's very rare. Like you said, enjoy sex. But here's where my similarity comes in. I don't feel the need for a relationship. I've been single. I've been alone for quite some time
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:27

Knowing ourselves is key!

And I thought it was so interesting because even though my friend and I have different relationships to sexuality, both of us had felt that we had experienced judgment at some point from someone along the way. And I just think that's so harmful, and I hope that we can eventually live in a world where no matter what your relationship is to sexuality
Aces Of Fun
@FilmStarlet · 4:08

@AverageJoe my reply to your reply

I mean, I can understand the disappointment, of course, because it's like what you said, how her husband just felt like, out of nowhere, 1 minute we're having sex, and the next minute you're telling me you didn't have an interest in any of that. So it's almost like you feel like your whole sexual relationship was a lie in a way, like I was having sex with someone who didn't enjoy it or was just numb to it
Aces Of Fun
@FilmStarlet · 3:04


But what all them like I said, have in common is that they just don't experience sexual attraction, that it doesn't happen just like that. So for all I know if sex really isn't that important to you, but you still enjoy it when you do. For all, you know, maybe you could fall somewhere in the spectrum, so it's something to think about
Aces Of Fun
@FilmStarlet · 3:16


And for me, I'm asexual for me, I don't want Asexuality relationship, but I definitely want the romance aspect of companionship, of feeling closer to somebody of one day having a significant other and getting married. But yeah, definitely no kids. But yeah, I mean, people seem to come up with their own theories instead of just hearing it for what it truly is. It's almost like people are afraid of the real definition that they're just going to say what they think asexuality is
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:25


I've never been diagnosed it, and I've never considered myself asexual I do know what the term is. I've heard of it before, and I do not think that I am at all because I am heavily sexually attracted to women and have done the adolescent things of looking at Playboy magazines. And I'm saying that I'm here not being shameful and have these sexual urges and stuff like that, all that stuff of being a young man
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:40


Hey, film starlet. I got the beginning of your message and then I had to click off for a second. But then I went back and listened to the rest of it. And just to reiterate no, I have no problem with labeling with asexual people or homosexual people or straight people. People are people. And I hope you didn't get offended by me saying that sex is part of being human. I just simply meant that I always thought maybe it was the animalistic aspect of human beings
Aces Of Fun
@FilmStarlet · 1:41


The problem with a lot of people is that people always feel like I'm not complete unless I find my so called other half. And the truth is, I always feel like romance should be considered more like a bonus. It should be like a bonus to your life. It should never be like, okay, I have to be in a relationship where I feel like I'm going to die. It should never be that way. It should be a very nice bonus to your life
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 3:36


So it really was a time factor. I wasn't even thinking about falling in love and all that. I agree with you on that shouldn't be a major priority. It's nice. It's great if it happens. And my friends have gone down that road. My brother is happily married, has a family, and that's the road he took. But I think there are different facets and roads that you could take in life and whatever makes you happy


Hello. I can't speak English, but I'm asexual too. I'm from Russia
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 4:18


Hey, I just wanted to say thank you filmstarlet for starting this conversation and thank you for everyone else for contributing and generating conversation. It's been really interesting to listen to. It was me who started the other post I think you referred to in your first post and that it was more around my issues. I guess, with talking about sexuality. I think when I was younger, when people used the term sexuality or who are you sexually attracted to?
