Franklin Finds Out
@FFO · 3:09

Now in Theaters - "Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3"

Not that I didn't hear a lot of 80s stuff when I was younger, but not as common. Anyways, the other thing I wanted to go ahead and mention, and this is one of those things that if you've seen spoilers, if you've seen people talking about the movie without giving away any kind of real spoilers, one thing you need to go into that movie is there's a slight trigger warning

#Review #new #movie #reviews #podcast #swell #talk #franklin #findsout #film #discussion #cinema #jamesgunn #marvel #actuon #comedy

Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:26
Hey, Franklin. Thanks for sharing your review of the film. I was talking about it on here after I saw it because I had different feelings than you did when I watched it. And I felt like the more and more I was, like, reading fan reviews of the film, I felt like I was sort of an outsider. And then my brother saw it and we had a conversation and he didn't really like it as well
Franklin Finds Out
@FFO · 4:51


So for me, I'm like, yeah, I'm cool. I'm not. But it made me feel that for a moment because it was something nostalgic for me. So, Evan, that's why I say with everyone, when it comes to seeing movies, form your own opinion, my opinion, someone else's opinion, opinion why I can't talk. Someone else's opinion is not the end game. It's not the end all, be all, go see it
